The first section under each customer profile in FinView is 'Company Information'. This area requires you to fill out vital details about your customer.

Here are the necessary account information data fields:
- Customer Name: Input the name of your customer here. It can either be the name of a business or an individual.
- Business Legal Name: If your customer is a business, you'll need to enter the name as registered with the local chamber of commerce. This information is crucial for invoicing and various communications.
- Start Date: This field requires the commencement date of your commercial agreement with your customer.
- End Date: If your commercial agreement has a designated end date, input it here. If there's no end date, you can leave this field blank.
- Company Registration Number: Fill in the registration number provided by the local chamber of commerce.
- Customer D-U-N-S Number: This is a unique 9-digit code provided by Dun & Bradstreet. If you don't have this information, this field can be left blank.
- Address Details: Input the official registered address of your customer here.
- Assigned User: While you would have assigned a user during customer creation, you can alter the assigned user here if needed.
Attachments: Any necessary documents, such as your commercial agreement, can be attached to your customer profile. The user-friendly drag-and-drop feature simplifies this process for you.
In sum, the 'Company Information' section is essential to correctly documenting key details about your customer, making subsequent management more streamlined and efficient.